Kettlebell Swing breakdown


Kettlebell Swing
Here it is; a detailed breakdown of how to perform the kettlebell swing with tips to keep in mind to facilitate better technique and avoid injury. Enjoy!

Step 1 Starting position –Start with feet a little wider than shoulder width with kettlebell on floor approximately one foot in front of your body. Keeping spine straight, sit back hinging at hips, bend knees and reach forward with arms to grip Kettlebell handle with both hands.

Step 2Prepare to lift kettlebell – with a fairly tight grip on handle, activate core muscles by drawing belly button in towards spine and gently squeeze shoulder blades together. Tilt kettlebell handle down towards your body.









Step 3Pre-swing – Lift kettlebell off floor by gently pulling bell toward you and straightening knees but maintain hinge at hips with spine flat. Now allow kettlebell to swing between your legs with arms moving in a pendulum type movement until arms are resting against trunk and kettlebell is behind or under buttocks with bottom of bell facing behind you.

Step 4Hip Thrust – Rapidly extend hips standing up by contracting glutes, quads and hamstrings swinging kettlebell out in front of body without lifting bell with arms (while continuing to keep core muscles activated). Full extension should be achieved to where you are standing straight up, arms are near horizontal and bottom of kettlebell is facing away from you.

Step 5 – Drop / back-swing – Continue with pendulum type movement with arms straight and allow kettlebell to start swinging back towards body before bending knees. When Kettlebell begins to approach legs hinge hips allowing chest to bend forward towards floor and bend knees slightly until kettlebell completely between legs. At bottom of back swing knees are bent, back is flat, arms against trunk, hips are hinged and kettlebell is behind or under buttocks and bottom of bell facing behind you.


Step 6 – Keep swinging that iron. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for specified number of repetitions.

Tips to Remember 

• Back flat / spine straight
• Core muscles gentle activated throughout movement
• Feet remain flat on floor
• Hinge / bend at hips and bend knees mildly
• Do not lift with arms
• Utilize legs for a hip thrust to power movement
• Maintain a pendulum type movement with kettlebell

**Recommend working directly with a professional trainer or physical therapist until you learn correct form. 



Kettlebell Swing

The Kettlebell swing: Starting with a good foundation

To the weekend warrior or the general public when thinking about kettlebells the kettlebell swing usually comes to mind. The swing is not only the most well-known technique but also is the foundation for other Kettlebell exercises. When performed correctly the swing is very fluid beneficial exercise that will strengthen the glutes, hamstrings, quads and core muscles. The swing is a great exercise for building explosive power for sports, burning calories and improving cardiovascular endurance. Before jumping right in and swinging a 50lb kettlebell at your local gym or if you are returning to kettlebell lifting it is helpful to practice a few techniques that will prepare the body for the rigors of swinging heavy iron. The following exercises are great prerequisites before attempting or returning to the kettlebell swing. If you have significant difficulty or there is pain performing the following exercises then you need more time developing leg strength and flexibility before beginning the kettlebell swing.

Straight leg bridge feet on Physio Ball – this is a core and hip extension exercise which simulates a similar movement as the Kettlebell swing focusing on stabilization and control. Perform exercise 15 times


Push up Front plank – strengthens the core muscles to help maintain the neutral spine during the swing and helps build core endurance for high repetitions of the swing. Also simulates a similar position as the top of a swing. Hold position for 30 seconds.







Romanian Deadlift with Dowel Rod – this exercise helps practice hinging your hips with minimal knee bend while maintaining a neutral spine position which are both needed for a swing. Perform exercise 15 times.

“Kettlebell Krazy”

“KB Krazy”
Maybe you have seen them at your local gym or in a group exercise video, kettlebells have become one of the trendiest pieces of exercise equipment in fitness and wellness communities to date. The kettlebell is a versatile portal piece of exercise equipment that can challenge ones strength, endurance and balance all in a short amount of time. Although they may seem like the newest exercise fad, kettlebells have been around for centuries originating in Russia. For those not accustom, a Kettlebell is a type of free weight resembling a cannonball with a U-shaped handle. Kettlebells are unique from a dumbbell in their functionality due to the center of the mass extends beyond the hand. Kettlebells can be swung, snatched, cleaned, pressed, lifted and even juggled. With new types of exercise comes new risk of injury, so here are some tips to take into consideration to avoid injury with kettlebells:

1. Maintain a neutral lumbar spine to protect the low back – the low back naturally has a small gradual arch called lordosis, this arch should be maintained throughout all exercises no matter if you are lifting, swinging, squatting, pressing or carrying a kettlebell.

2. Begin with slow movements before attempting any fast or ballistic ones – Kettlebell squats and deadlifts are instrumental to performing the kettlebell swing and a great starting point for beginners.

Kettlebell deadlift
Kettlebell deadlift
Kettlebell squats
Kettlebell squats







3. Start off with lightweights before attempting heavier ones. Starting with body weight and incrementally increasing loads by 5lbs is the most appropriate. Do not buy in to kettlebell guidelines that state the average healthy male should start with a 16kg (35lbs) and female 8kg (18lbs).

4. Improve hamstring, glute and calf muscle flexibility. Flexibility of these muscles is needed for proper kettlebell lifting mechanics.

5. Work on core strength and endurance – The abdominals must be engaged throughout your kettlebell exercise routine while maintaining neutral lumbar spine (Tip # 1!) A combination of core muscles is needed to maintain a neutral lumbar spine during functional movements especially with kettlebell exercises. Exercises like planks or dead bugs that work on holding the spine in a sustained position for increments of time are a good foundation for core strength and endurance.

6. Seek out a professional before beginning a kettlebell exercise program. A certified kettlebell trainer, Gym specializing in kettlebells or your physical therapist would be the best individuals to introduce you to the mechanics of lifting or swinging bells.

DISCLAIMER – Kettlebells are not for everyone and it is highly recommended that even healthy individuals first participate in regular strength and conditioning before attempting to use these weights. Kettlebells are not for everyone especially individuals with current low back or neck pain, numbness or tingling down arms or legs, any acute injury or swelling, rheumatoid arthritis, shoulder or other joint impingements and severe osteoporosis.